WEEK 20 (January 13-17, 2014)
Theme for the Week: Learning Important Lessons on Prayer
Monday 1/13: Sienna Chung / Pastor Boggs -
Hail, O Once-Despised Jesus (CW 351)
Isaiah 43:1-4 A Promise for the Ages
Tuesday 1/14: Caleb King / Pastor Boggs -
Crown Him with Many Crowns (CW 341)
Hebrews 13:1-8 God is Always with Us
Wednesday 1/15: Matthew Gugler / Mr. Herrewig -
Let Me Be Yours Forever (CW 596)
Bible Reading: Isaiah 1 & 2
WEEK 21 (January 20-24, 2014)
Learning Important Lessons on Prayer
Monday 1/20: Rebekah Clark / Pastor Haag -
When in the Hour of Utmost Need (CW 413)
Genesis 18:20-32 Persistent Prayer
Tuesday 1/21: Lydia Thiesfeldt / Pastor Haag -
Lord, Teach Us How to Pray Aright (CW 412)
Matthew 6:5-13 Prayer Taught by God
Wednesday 1/22: Jason Ho / Mr. Witte -
The Law of God is Good and Wise (CW 287)
Bible Reading: Isaiah 3 & 4
Thursday 1/23: Nathan Delalandre / Mr. Witte -
What a Friend We Have in Jesus (CW 411)
Luke 11:5-13 Prayer that is Answered
WEEK 22 (January 27-31, 2014)
Scripture's Cure for the Winter Blahs
Thursday 1/30: Jake Koepke / Mr. Liepert -
Love in Christ is Strong and Living (CW 490)
Colossians 3:12-14 Bear Up With Each Other
WEEK 23 (Feb. 2-7, 2014)
Be Motivated to Serve our Gracious God
Monday 2/2: Mykenna Schneiter / Prin. Schroeder -
Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness (CW 353)
Mark 5:1-20 The Demon-Possessed Man
Tuesday 2/3: Josh Meyer / Prin. Schroeder -
O Bless the House, Whate'er Befall (CW 506)
Joshua 24:14-15 Faithful Joshua
Wednesday 2/4: J.C. Meilahn / Mr. Jaeger -
Glorious in Majesty (CW 496)
Bible Reading: Isaiah 5
Thursday 2/5: Carter VandeSlunt / Mr. Jaeger -
There is a Balm in Gilead (CW 564)
Acts 4:13-20 Courageous Disciples
WEEK 24 (Feb. 10-14, 2014)
Stay Focused on the Prize
Monday 2/10: Philipp Thomas / Mr. Randy Westphal -
Jerusalem the Golden (CW 214)
Revelation 21:15-27 What is the Prize?
Tuesday 2/11: Enoch Weng / Mr. Randy Westphal -
I Walk in Danger All the Way (CW 431)
Philippians 3:12-21 How to Stay Focused